Thursday, April 10, 2008

Lance & Kid Rock

First, let me give a small amount of history:Kid Rock and I are the same age. I was born 1/8/71, he was born 1/17/71. (coincidentally, my brothers birthday is

1/17/75). Anyway, what he did as a high
school kid is basically what I wanted to do, but never quite did. I was completely into Rap music (most kids of
that time were), and I wanted a high top fade – he had one. I was completely in love, and infatuated with
black girls, and tried to date pretty much any good looking black girl I
met. He dated plenty of black girls, and
has at least 1 child with a black woman.
I spent a lot of time with the black guys @ my school, but also with a
lot of the Rednecks that lived out near me.
He spent a lot of time with the black (rap) guys from the city, but was also
from the “country”. His dad sold cars –
so did mine. He thought his dad was a
dick – so did I, but we both have good relationships with them now (at least I
think he does). We both Graduated HS in
1989. He went into the City to live with
friends, and start a career in Rap music – doing house parties and such. I went into the Air Force. When I went to Saudi Arabia for Desert
Shield/Desert Storm, he went on tour with Ice Cube.

I got back from that and they closed the base I was

stationed at – when his tour was over, they cancelled his contract – fearful of
fall-out from Vanilla Ice, and 3rd Bass. “White Rappers were falling out of grace”.

OK, now, to my point.

I was listening to a song of his ‘new’ CD – All Summer Long from “Rock and Roll Jesus”. It’s a great tune, and just completely brings
me back to 1989 and doing so many of the things he sings about in the
song. I know that’s what music is
supposed to do, but this is the first time a song has landed so close to being
exactly where I was in life, and describing so much of what I was doing. It gives me chills, makes me smile and
reminisce, but also makes me a little sad.

Part of me would like to spend an afternoon with him, just
bullshitting about who we were, and what we did in the late 80’s. But another part of me thinks it would be
horrible. You know, you have an image of
a person (famous or not), but then get to know them better and it sometimes
turns out that you were completely wrong – then again, sometimes you’re
not. Either way, I think putting his
fame aside and just shooting the shit with him would be cool. Maybe we’re more alike that I even realize –
or maybe we’re *NOTHING* alike. It would
be fun just to find out.

Then again, why would I even want to? Because he’s famous of course. So, with that knowledge, how could you put
that aside – since that’s the sole reason I even know we have those things in
common? Also, if that could not be set
aside, what would he have to gain out of such a meeting? It’s my belief (since so many say it, and
write about it) that most famous people just want to be treated by people as
though they are just “normal” people.

If we did meet in such a circumstance, would I be able to do

that? Or would I just be
star-struck? I like to think that I wouldn’t
be star struck, but you never know. At
the Black Crowes concert I was telling Dan about, I had the opportunity to act star
struck and I’m proud to say that didn’t.
I’ve also seen plenty of “stars” here in town – and when growing
up. Lots of professional wrestlers, and
a few athletes. I’m usually the guy that
gives a knowing head nod – basically indicating “I know who you are, but it’s
cool, I’ll leave you alone”. That being
said, I do still want to be somewhat “involved” (that’s not really the correct
word, but I can’t think of a better one) in what they are doing at that point
and time. I also want to stop them and say hi, and maybe have a conversation, but since
I feel like they are trying to avoid that, I don’t. I let them have their space. Too many other people don’t, and I think that
would probably piss me off to some degree.

Wow, that was just a bunch of rambling bullshit. Maybe I’ll post it on one of my blogs


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