Thursday, June 5, 2008

6/4/2008 - Meeting with Ron Johnson

I met with Ron Johnson (of Ron Johnson Construction) yesterday afternoon. He seemed like a good guy. I gave him a set of 8.5"X11" prints of the plans. He's going to get back to me around next Wednesday to give me a quote on the shell as well as a couple other items. He'll call, and probably e-mail his bid as well.
He said that after the footer and slab are in place, once he begins work, if I'm scheduling windows and doors and the roofer around his work, I could have a dried in building in less than two months! Man, that would be phenomenal.
He also made a few suggestions and recommendations:
Two Brothers stucco.
The lower wall bar (rebar) in the footer should extend down to the chair. The drawings don't show it that low.
It'd probably be a good idea to add some rebar to the top and bottom of the run.
Genie Doors in St. Pete for garage doors - tell them "Ron sent you".
He also suggested using a light coat of stucco for the inside walls as well (garage). I'll have to double check pricing on that though.
He also made note of the tinted or colored stucco. Less maintenance, it needs to be painted less often as well. Plus, once it's on, it's done. No need for the additional step of painting the exterior of the building.
He said Gray (from Carroll's) was out with a sick relative, and I should be talking to Buck now (at least until Gray returns - although, I'm not sure I fully believe the sick relative story).
Overall, he seemed pretty nice. Honest (but they all do, right?). I'll follow up with the BBB and see if there's anything there. I wasn't able to get much info online about him or the company.
He said since I'm going to be buying all the materials separate from him, I won't pay him any deposit, or anything up front. Just payment in full when the job (or given sections of it) is done. At that point, he'll sign off the lien waiver. I'm guessing that in this market (slow), that will pretty much be the standard.
He also said that I could be used (and calculated [taken off] in some of his bid) as labor for whatever pieces of the job I wanted to do, or was able to do. He can act as the full contractor, or project manager, or even consult or "help" with pieces of the project. He seems pretty hungry, and very flexible with what he will do. If I hire him, I'll have to be careful to monitor (myself really) the "more work, less talk" side of things.

As a side note, I never did hear back from Paul Tomazin. I'm debating on whether or not to give him another call. Maybe I'll drive by the Dunkin' Donuts (new ICF construction) on 4th today, and let that help me in making that decision.

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