Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Monday was a wash. I got a lot done, but I got nearly nothing done at the same time. It was a pretty crazy day. I'm helping Cherry with her products here at work while she's sick, plus I've got catch up work to do from last week.
I also didn't get anything done on the house. I still haven't picked up my permit for the sanitary lateral. I need to figure out what I'm going to do for the electric stuff. I still need to print out my specs for my doors and windows. I still need to contact someone about doing the excavation, lot leveling, and slab work... oh, and pest control.
The Oak is finally trimmed. Brian from "B's Quality tree trimming" (or something like that) did a pretty good job. Not great, but the price was right ($250). He also hauled off some stuff I had in the yard. Scrap metal. I should have made him take off some of the price, but I was glad to get it out of the yard.
Lots of work to do here today. Cherry is out sick, and Clay is tied up with a bunch of stuff - including covering for who-ever.
I need to meet with Dick to pick up his resume. I need to go downtown to pickup my permit. I'll see if I have time to take a long lunch and do both of those things. Afterall, I do need to get some "slow" miles on the scooter.

Speaking of scooter, I got the new one yesterday. It's different than the other one, still nice. I actually think I'll get better mileage on this one. I'll try and post pics later.
Gotta get some work done.

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