Thursday, June 5, 2008

Barry from Progress Energy

He stopped by today - gave me a lot of options, both above ground and for going below. I think he misunderstood a couple of the things I wanted to do, but for the most part, we're on the same page.
From what he said, it looks like the best option for me at this point will be to have them install a new pole on my side of the alley and either tap from the existing pole, or tie in mid-span, and run it down from there. At that point, I can dig a trench myself to go underground, or simply move the weather head to the corner and have them tie from the new pole to the new weather head. He said either is do-able, as well as a few other options.
He said the new pole will probably end up being somewhere in the neighborhood of $600. The rest of it will vary greatly depending on exactly what I end up doing. The cheapest route will probably be to send the new service overhead to a new weatherhead. On the PE side, that would just be a simple change of service, and they'll come out and hook it all up after I have it prepped.

Most importantly, he suggested I get in touch with the City (inspector) and ask a few key questions. Some of which being:
The best way to do it.
The best routing.
What size and type (material) conduit.
How far up from the roof does he want the weather head (I'll want to verify with code before I bring that one up so that I know what's required and then change from there based on his response).
If it can be worked in (or needs to be worked in), bring up the "Working man" on a schedule / priority / "for my family" type stuff.
Just be diplomatic, and let him know what it is I'm wanting to do, and why, and that I want to do it according to how they want it done.
Try and feel the waters for how they will act on potential "violations" of existing service or conditions. Is it a "hazard"? It hasn't been for 13 years, etc.
Most importantly, be diplomatic, and the polar opposite of "hot headed".

I'm trying to get in touch with Legion to see if he can assist in any way as well.

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